Saturday 28 April 2012

16th + 17th April - Monday + Tuesday

I spent a few days in Edinburgh, staying with Jim + Helen to start with and then in a camp site. In Edinburgh I continued my search for second hand OS maps, having realised, last year that I did need lots of OS maps of Scotland and later in the year having a light bulb moment when I realised I should trawl charity shops and second hand book shops and save an average of £4 per map.  I now am short of 8 out of the full pack of 205.

We walked along the Waters of Leith to Stockbridge (lots of charity shops) and I was pleased to see that the Anthony Gormley was still in place below the bridge at Stockbridge.



On the following day Jim and I went up to see the Falkirk Wheel, a millennium project rejoining two canals which had been formerly joined by a series of locks which had been lost under new roads and housing estates.

An impressive piece of engineering, the boat sails into a caisson which is then sealed off and then lowered or lifted using the opposite caisson as a counter weight.  There is much made of how energy efficient it is. Sadly there is not much traffic on either canal – the sole use of the wheel while we were there was the tourist boat.  However it is worth the visit.





image On the move…



image Jim + Jean (both cousins)

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