Thursday, 2 June 2011

25 May Wednesday - Papa Westray

You could walk around Papa Westray in a day.  This doesn’t allow for

1: looking at birds, seals, etc

2: visiting sites

3: taking in the atmosphere

4: many of the paths are not walked very often so the going is hard

5: eating cakes

There is a lot to see so one should allow 2 if not 3 days and/or take a bicycle

002 A farm in ruins

There are a lot of ruins all over Orkney.

003 Steam roller project?

006 130

009 Wooden gutters

This cottage was being done up with great care. 

019 The museum at “Holland”

011 Papa Westray museum

017  A flea trap

014 Helen in an Orkney chair, the back is made of straw.  This is one for women, the straw is taken up and made into a hood for the ones for men

020 You can fly to Papa Westray, the shortest scheduled flight

021 The Knap of Howar – uncovered after a storm – you can go in and sit which is great.  The oldest known domestic structure in Europe – older than Skara Brae.


025 Kirk on Papa Westray.  This had been restored with funding from Laura Grimond whom I assume was Jo Grimond’s wife – need to do some research on that.  Where we stayed in Westray had won a Laura Grimond award for tasteful conversion.

024 A hog-backed tomb.


eider, seals, great northern?, terns, skuas

045 Lots of Eider ducks, both sexes

049 Helen, birdwatching.

We had great excitement.  We think we saw a Great Northern Diver (leaving out the ?) and spent a long time watching it.  It wasn’t worthwhile taking a photo – too far away, too much movement in the sea.  However I saw a similar bird on the Churchill Barriers later in the week and am convinced that that was what we saw.

050 Monument to the last Great Auk shot here – can’t read the year, or remember it but I think it was late C19th

052 Razorbills

All the guide books indicate that a rare primrose is found on Papa Westray – we looked for it without any success.  However we met a man and his two daughters who live on Papa Westray, the youngest very proud to have been born there – first for many years.  He had been the RSPB warden on the island and had liked it so much the family had moved there.  They knew where the primrose grows and showed us – there is no way we would have spotted the flowers as none of the information indicated just how tiny the plants are.

060 Primula Scotia being pointed out by a 6 year old.



065 A Papa Westray carty – I’m not sure how comfortable the back seat in the sink would be.  I like the use of buoys as back wheels.

On the way back to the ferry we walked past the Hostel.  There was a helpful notice inviting us to stop at the Hostel for a cup of tea and a cake – all left out for you to help yourself with an honesty box.  Great cakes and lovely cup of tea. 

Great day out and enough to go back to.

I don’t seem to have taken any photos of Pierowall village/harbour – it is a pretty bay with  a beach and the pier at the northern end.  There is a crab packing factory near the pier and we bought several packs of lovely fresh crab.  On the south side there is a fish factory/shop and we also shopped here,  buying an Orkney seasonal speciality - “spoots” -which are razor shells and really difficult to harvest.  I recommend them.

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