Today I drove slowly from Scourie to Ullapool. Stunning views but not brilliant weather and not too many stopping possibilities for photos.
The area I drove through is geologically important – along the way in some of the car parking areas are information panels indicating how deep the ice was – a bit like Torres de Paine where the top of the mountains were above the ice sheet.
Kylesku bridge. This was only opened in 1994. Before then you had to catch a ferry, or, if you missed the ferry, detour 100 miles via Lairg. I think this explains why the area north of the bridge does really feel remote.

It was also the place where the XIIth submarine flotilla – midget submarines – trained. Something seems to have happened on 10th April 1943 but I can’t find out what.

This demonstrates the Glencoul and the Moine Thrust Planes…
The ruined Calda House
The ruined Ardveck Castle

Both ruins were incorporated into a 9 hole castle, pre WWI by a Sutherland. The Green Fee was 1/- a day.
The A894
More geology walls – here the oldest rock is above the younger, a result of one of the thrusts.
Only the top of this mountain was above the ice sheet
I am now in the camp site overlooking Loch Broom watching the seals, the CallyMac ferry coming and going and the rain.

So, hopefully, I am up on my homework and have been recommended a place in Ullapool which has wifi so maybe able to “post” all this week.
Tomorrow will do some research as to what to do next – pootle around here or go to Lewis….let’s see.
I have managed to get hold of a Sunday paper, fresh milk and more of my secret supply of Tunnock’s Carmel Wafer Biscuits (“more than 5,000,000 of these biscuits made and sold every week”)