Saturday, 14 May 2011

Wednesday 4 May

I have had difficulty posting/going live with my blogs, hence the gap.  I am now in a camp site where, I am assured, the wifi is good so I will, hopefully, catch up.

It occurs to me that some folk may have difficulty working out where I have been so I’ve done a couple of photos:


South West Dumfries and Galloway

East of the above showing Gatehouse of Fleet and Kirkudbright


After leaving Monteith I drove through Whithorn, for me the place so far with the best shop signage.   It had a lovely ruined abbey.  Another claim to fame is the village was used in filming The Wicker Man – they used a number of sights in the locality.

Whithorn  001 Whithorn’s main street

Whithorn 004

Whithorn 002  Good shop signage

Garlieston  008 

Garlieston harbour – famed for testing and construction of components for the Mulberry harbours

Lochinch Castle 012 

Lochinch Castle, home of Earl and Countess of Stair

Castle Kennedy 011 

Castle Kennedy gardens adjoining Lochinch Castle

Wigtown  009 The Covenantors’ memorial – where two dissenting women were tied up and drowned by the incoming tide – the estuary has shifted considerably since then.

Wigtown  010 

Wigtown, the 2nd hand book centre of the region and the Town Hall  (with the clock tower) had an osprey viewing camera

Queen's Road Goats  017

Notice re wild goats along the Queen’s Way between Newton Stewart and New Galloway

I moved onto Kirkcudbright and parked on the municipal camp site overlooking the town.  It was the last evening of lovely weather, I remember as all the kids were hanging about for quite a long  time in the kids playground next to the camp site.

1 comment:

  1. All my Mum's family are from Kirkcudbright but I've never been. My grandfather and his sisters were born there and then emigrated to Canada when they were children.
